LinkedIn's AI cesspool

I’ve long had a love-hate relationship with LinkedIn. On the one hand, it’s landed me a couple of interesting jobs and lets me keep in touch with people I’ve enjoyed working with. On the other hand, it’s filled with recruiters who make it look like a hive of scum and villainy. Of late, those recruiters have begun resorting to GPTs and other “AI” tools.

Shitty recruiters of yore would rely on blind keyword matching and spam you accordingly. Typically with copy/pasted messages, sometimes with the previous recipient’s name still in the greeting. Always without any sense of clue or decency.

Good recruiters, of course, actually bother to read your profile instead of relying on half-arsed tools. They’re also much more likely to cultivate a working relationship with you instead of merely pushing the same job to 1000 random candidates. They’re not who this rant is about.

It seems like many shitty recruiters have started to use GPT generated messages, probably based on GPT generated summaries of profiles and GPT generated job ads. I didn’t think it possible, but this has actually led to even more useless messages and job offers. Apparently the shitty AI recruiter is as intelligent as the in-the-flesh shitty recruiter.

LinkedIn urgently needs a “block generated messages”-button. Though I would also still like a “block everyone from this company”-button, as shitty recruiters tend to congregate at shitty recruitment agencies.

Thus the enshittification continues.

— Elric