Endless Locale bugs

This isn’t the first time I’ve ranted about Locale related issues. It probaly won’t be the last, either.

Currently my biggest gripe is with convenience methods in Java which rely on platform defaults, and are thus platform-specific. For instance, the venerable System.out.println() will terminate your line with whatever your platform thinks a line ending should be. Printing dates or numbers will try to use your platform Locale. Writing a string to a file will default to platform encoding.

Some of these defaults can be controlled at run time, others require JVM startup options. This is all horribly wrong. This results in all kinds of unexpected behaviour. It’s error-prone. None of this should be allowed to happen. Any method that assumes platform-specific magic should be deprecated. Which is exactly what I’ll do, as soon as I can figure out how to write a Sonar plugin to detect all this nonsense.

— Elric